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Sunday September 24, 2023 10:30am - Video: Conversations with Howard Thurman Part 2

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

On Sunday September 24 (10:30 AM-PT, 11:30 AM-MT, 12:30 PM-CT, 1:30 PM ET) our Engaged Spirituality discussion will center on the video: Conversations with Howard Thurman Part 2 Thoughts from the video, Conversations with Howard Thurman-Part 2 to ponder:

“Deep within the experience of my own self in its profoundest sense is the key to the experiencing of every other living thing and every other person.”

“In the presence of that dimension in the environment (segregation), I was driven to find in the ground of my being that which transcended everything external to me. And once I hit it, then I knew I was home free.”

“I’m always on the search for a moment in the writing of the particular book when a kind of essence comes through the mind of the man. It may have nothing to do with the whole march of his ideas, but suddenly the smell of ammonia hits you - then I write that out.”

“Prayer, to me, is my experience of the hunger of my heart as that hunger is nourished. It has very little if anything to do with bringing something to pass out here. I regard petition, things of that sort, asking God to change things. I think that is natural to do. But I think (prayer) is something that I am doing to relieve something in me. Therefore, it is a cry of pain, a cry for help. But I don’t think that that cry puts any pressure that will bend the will of God to that need.”

“I feel therefore that I can never be what I ought to be until every other man is what he ought to be. Therefore, when I administer to any man’s need, what I’m doing is taking myself out of prison.”

“I began looking first into Negro Spirituals, because something had made it possible for the slave cut off from all of his roots to survive, to hold himself in some vast immunity against the violences of his environment.”

“For my own mind’s sake, for purposes of reflection and teaching, I would have to find out - What was the word that the religion of Jesus had to say to the man with his back against the wall?

“The first thing that was necessary for me to see if I could get any insight into precisely what the love ethic was to Jesus. And if I were to summarize it, it would be, to deal with another human being at a point in that human being that was beyond all of his faults and all of his virtues. This became the clue to teaching about forgiveness and all the rest of it.”

“The idea that God is the God of the darkness and the light. This is the ground, it seems to me, of my own transcendent religious experience that gives to me courage even in the presence of the most acute contradictions of life. And this is the basis of my hope.” Attached is a transcript of the video and a link and transcript of an article about the town of Daytona and the African American communities of Waycross, Midway, and Newtown. Howard Thurman grew up in Waycross. Hope you can make it! Take care, Eileen

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