Dr. Raymond Carr, Ph.D
The annual Howard Thurman Homily is the King & Faith Series' keynote address. It is a partnership between the NorcalMLK Foundation and The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples. The Howard Thurman Homily takes place annually on the Sunday before the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday.
The 2024 Howard Thurman Homily speaker is Raymond Carr, Ph.D. Dr. Carr is the director of the Codex Charles H. Long Papers at the Moses Mesoamerican Archive and Research Project at Harvard University and the incoming president of the Society for the Study of Black Religion. His most recent work, a three-volume project entitled, Theology in the Mode of Monk, engages two of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century: Karl Barth, the Swiss theologian, and James H. Cone, the father of Black Theology.
We will gather at 11 am to worship in the sanctuary.
We ask that everyone to be vaccinated and to wear a mask. If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend this worship service.
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