Dear Engaged Spirituality Family,
Please join us on Zoom for Engaged Spirituality on SUNDAY March 27 at 10:30 AM as we discuss Howard Thurman’s recorded sermons #3, #4, and #5 on Jesus and the Disinherited.
Here are the links to sermons #3, #4, and #5. Just click on each link and it will bring you to the recordings
Jesus and the Disinherited #3, January 25, 1959
(Sermon begins at 9:02 on the recording)
Jesus and the Disinherited #4, February 1, 1959
(Sermon begins at 6:08 on the recording)
Jesus and the Disinherited #5, February 22,1959
(Sermon begins at 9:43 on the recording)
If you would like to access the website manually:
Go to BU Howard Thurman Listening Room
Under ‘Browse by Series’ Click on Jesus and the Disinherited
Thank you, Bryan for making the Zoom possible for us!.
Hope you can join us on SUNDAY March 27!
Take care,
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