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Sunday December 20, 2020

Writer's picture: The Church for the Fellowship of All PeoplesThe Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Please join us for Engaged Spirituality on Sunday December 20 at 10:30 AM on Zoom as we continue our discussion on “Growth” which Thurman writes about in his seminal book, Disciplines of the Spirit.

At our November meeting the discussion centered around Howard Thurman’s definitions for “Discipline,” “Spirit,” and “Growth,” as well as the forward of the book and the first discipline of growth: Creative Patience. We will begin our discussion on “Growth” with “To Grow is to Become Aware of the Self as Self.”

I have attached notes (download below) on “Growth” that combine the text from the book as well as Thurman’s recordings on “Growth” from Boston University’s Howard Thurman Listening Room and Emory University’s Howard Thurman’s Archives.

Take care,


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