Dear Engaged Spirituality Family,
On Sunday August 27 (10:30 AM-PT, 11:30 AM-MT, 12:30 PM-CT, 1:30 PM ET) our Engaged Spirituality discussion will center on the video: Conversations with Howard Thurman Part 1:
and the book With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman
Thuman dedicated this book: “To the stranger in the railroad station in Daytona Beach who restored my broken dream sixty-five years ago.”
Who is a person in your life that restored a broken dream of yours? Bring that story or even that person to this meeting!
Also be prepared to respond to anything that interested, provoked, or inspired you in the video or the book.
Attached is a transcript of the video with related pages of the book, With Head and Heart.
Hope you can make it!
Take care,
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